Kidd began modeling at 16 and soon caused an uproar. Her thin figure led to accusations that she was encouraging teenage girls to become anorexic in an effort to mimic her looks. Kidd called herself “a bag of bones” in her early modeling career but has strongly denied that she was anorexic, blaming her skinny physique on a bout of glandular fever. During an eight month break in modeling Kidd added weight to her lanky frame, transforming in to a healthy size eight.

In April 2000, Kidd's attempts to land a lead role in the film Mission Impossible 2 were dashed as film producers considered her 6'1" (185 cm) stature to be too tall. Kidd is quoted as saying:

"Everyone has told me I would look completely ridiculous starring alongside Tom Cruise [at 5 feet 7 inches (170 cm)] because of my height. I have always dreamt of being an actress but agents have told me no one would cast me for a lead role because I am too tall."

Off the catwalk, Jodie's hobbies include motor car racing (she held the fastest celebrity lap in Top Gear car show for some time), golf , polo playing, horse riding, and acting. She has also taken part in several rallies of the Gumball 3000.