Bodybuilding and powerlifting are two of her intense hobbies; however, she earn her living by working full time as a consultant at a Regional Poison Center.

she have a Doctorate degree in Pharmacy and am a Certified Specialist in Poison Information (CSPI). her job is to provide information and treatment recommendations to physicians, nurses, and the general public regarding both intentional and unintentional poisonings and drug overdoses.

This type of work requires intense continuing education to keep abreast of the ever changing world of medicine and drugs of abuse.

her first bodybuilding show was the “Levrone Classic” in Glen Burnie Maryland, 1995. she started off with a bang winning the middleweight class and taking the overall title. Yaz Boyum, now an IFBB Pro, was the lightweight winner that year.

she jumped right up to the national level competing in the NPC Jr. Nationals in 1996. she took fourth place with Amy Pazzo and Gayle Moher, both current IFBB Pros, placing ahead of her.

IFBB Professional Bodybuilding:
Ms. International, 4th
Ms. Olympia, 4th
IFBB Atlantic City Pro, 1st
Ms Olympia, 4th
IFBB Atlantic City Pro, 1st
Ms. International 3rd place
Ms. Olympia, 4th
IFBB Atlantic City Pro, 1st
Ms. International, 4th
Ms. Olympia, 5th
IFBB Atlantic City Pro, 1st
Ms. International, 8th
Ms. International, 4th
Ms. Olympia, 6th
IFBB GNC Show of Strength, 3rd
IFBB Night of Champions, 4th
Ms. International, 8th
IFBB Night of Champions, 5th
Ms. International, 6th (Pro debut)
Contest weight : ~150 lbs
Off season weight: 160-ish !
Height: 5’4”
Best lifts (in competition): Bench press 275 lbs; squat 400 lbs; deadlift 410 lbs
Current Residence: Maryland, USA
Occupation: Pharmacist, Certified Specialist in Poison Information.