she was active in school, she was always in track and field, and an overachiever, she won many awards for her accomplishments also played volleyball, badminton baseball, and tried lifting some weight at 20 years old, although she loved the way she looked after training for only 3 months sadly enough she didn’t continue. Life and various types of jobs got her attention diverted from doing what she love to do best which is bodybulding.
she started back bodybuilding at the end of 2002 when she was asked to be in a bridal party and realized she was too fat to look good in a dress, this is when she started training under a trainer and competited and won her first amateur show after 3 months in the gym.

Bodybuilding Career:
2002 Muscle Beach Bodybuilding Championships, Lightweight 1st and Overall Winner
2003 Alberta Provincial Bodybuilding Championships Middleweight 2nd place
2003 Canadian Nationals Bodybuilding Championships Middleweight 6th place
2004 Alberta Provincial Bodybuilding Chapmionships 1st and Overall Winner
2005 Canadian National Bodybuilding Championships 2nd place
2006 Canadians National Bodybuilding Championships 5th place
2008 North American Bodybuilding Championships LightHeavy Weight Champion 1st place
2008 Canada National Bodybuilding Championships Heavyweight 2nd place